Policy Number: SCS2023034
Document Rescinds / Replaces: SCS2022019
Date Released: 16 October 2023
Review Date: 16 October 2025
Policy Type: Operational
Audience: Public
Approved by: Executive Director
Document Owner: Director: Governance & Legal

Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) is committed to ensuring that schools are safe places for students, staff and other members of the school community. A critical aspect of this commitment is to ensure that schools prevent knives and other prohibited weapons from being present on the school site or any other site where a school related event is being held.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the SCS Knives and other Prohibited Weapons Procedures (the Procedures).

This policy applies to all SCS staff, parents and carers, and students. In this policy, SCS staff means all employees, members of religious orders engaged in schools, volunteers, trainees, contractors and interns.

The following principles guide how this policy will operate in practice:

3.1 It is a criminal offence under the Weapons Prohibition Act 1998 (NSW) (the Act) for any person to possess a knife or prohibited weapon in a public place, which includes a school site, or off-site school event/activity, and criminal penalties may apply.

3.2 Under section 93IB of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) it is an offence to be in possession of a knife in a public place or a school. This offence carries a maximum penalty of a fine of $4,400, imprisonment for 4 years, or both.

3.3 SCS is committed to student and staff safety and operates a strict zero tolerance approach to knives and other prohibited weapons being on school sites or at off-site school events/activities.

3.4 SCS will implement measures and take reasonable and practicable steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of students, staff and others in the school community when on school sites or at school events/activities.

3.5 SCS staff and parents and carers will ensure that students are aware of their obligations under the law and this policy, and know how to report any concerns about safety or information about the presence of knives and other prohibited weapons.

4.1 What is a prohibited weapon?

In accordance with the Act, a prohibited weapon includes but is not limited to:

a. All knives, except those knives required for school lessons and provided by the school under staff supervision. Where senior subjects require students to supply knives (for example, hospitality or industry-related subjects), all instructions and procedures for transporting/carrying knives must be followed.
b. firearms (including live ammunition, and replica firearms)
c. darts
d. batons
e. machetes
f. laser pointers, or similar articles with a power output of more than one milliwatt, and
g. anything else that can be used as a weapon to cause serious injury or harm, for example, a screwdriver, chisel or hammer.

4.2 Possessing a prohibited weapon

4.2.1 In addition to having a prohibited weapon on your person, possession of a prohibited weapon includes having one in a bag or locker.
4.2.2 Severe penalties apply to those who use a knife or other prohibited weapon to assault or threaten to assault another person. Substantial fines and lengthy jail sentences can apply.
4.2.3 Possessing a prohibited weapon at a school site or at an off-site school event or activity, may also be a breach of the law and attract heavy fines and a jail sentence depending upon the circumstances.
4.2.4 In addition to potential criminal law sanctions, students who bring a prohibited weapon to school or to an off-site school event or activity will be subject to the Student Management Suspension, Transfer and Exclusion Policy. This may result in the student being suspended or excluded from the school.
4.2.5 Any adult who is in breach of this policy may, in addition to criminal penalties, be subject to legal orders (such as Apprehended Violence Orders) that prevent them from access to school sites.

5.1 Principals

5.1.1 Principals have a duty of care to ensure that school and school premises are safe and secure for students, staff, other members of the school community and visitors and will implement measures set out in the procedures, which may include conducting searches and contacting NSW Police, to prevent, or respond to, the presence of knives and other prohibited weapons on the school site or at school events/activities.

5.1.2 Principals will ensure that SCS staff, parents and carers and students are aware of their obligations under the law and this policy, and know how to report any concerns about safety or information about the presence of knives or prohibited weapons on the school site or at school events/activities.

5.2 Parents and carers

5.2.1 Parents and carers will ensure their child is aware of the law and this policy and that they cannot possess or carry a knife or other prohibited weapon at school (including off-site events) or in a public place.

5.2.2 Parents and carers must not bring knives or other prohibited weapons onto school sites or to any school events/activities held off-site unless it is for a lawful purpose (for example, for a school camping trip) with the permission of the Principal.

5.2.3 Parents and carers may be subject to criminal charges if they allow their child to carry a knife or other prohibited weapon. Under section 11D of the Summary Offence Act 1988, an offence exists if a parent authorises or permits their child to be in custody of a knife in a public place or a school. This offence carries a maximum penalty of a $550 fine.

5.3 Students

5.3.1 Students must not possess a knife or other prohibited weapon at school, an off-site school event or in a public place, even if the student is of the belief that it is for their own protection. If a student feels worried, intimidated or fearful of harm they are encouraged to speak to their teacher, the Principal or a school counsellor.

5.3.2 Students must report to their teacher or the Principal any information about a student that has brought a knife or other prohibited weapon to school.

If you have any questions about this document or would like further information, please contact the Child Safety team on (02) 9568 8298 or child.protection@syd.catholic.edu.au.

Policy Number: SCS2023034
Document Rescinds / Replaces: SCS2022019
Date Released: 16 October 2023
Review Date: 16 October 2025
Policy Type: Operational
Audience: Public
Approved by: Executive Director
Document Owner: Director: Governance & Legal