We highly value family involvement in the school community, as we understand that children are more engaged in their learning and have better social and emotional skills, when they feel supported and secure.

We use a variety of mediums to stay connected to parents and carers including newsletters, the Compass student information system, social media and, of course, phone calls and emails.

We also invite parents and carers to be involved in school events, such as assemblies, morning teas and parent-teacher interviews.

Should you wish to communicate further, please feel free to contact your school.

For parenting and counselling services, visit the Our Partners page, and for direction and clarity on regulations, processes and procedures at our schools, read the Sydney Catholic School policies.

For more information on the requirements of working with children checks, please go to https://ocg.nsw.gov.au/working-children-check

2025 School Year
Term 1
Friday 31 January – Friday 11 April
Term 2
Monday 28 April – Friday 4 July
Term 3
Monday 21 July –  Friday 26 September
Term 4
Monday 13 October – Friday 19 December 2025
Note: Please check with your school as dates will vary.
2026 School Year
Term 1
Tuesday 27 January – Thursday 2 April
Term 2
Monday 20 April – Friday 3 July
Term 3
Monday 20 July –  Friday 25 September
Term 4
Monday 12 October – Thursday 17 December 2026
Note: Please check with your school as dates will vary.
2027 School Year
Term 1
Thursday 28 January – Friday 9 April
Term 2
Monday 26 April – Friday 2 July
Term 3
Monday 19 July –  Friday 24 September
Term 4
Monday 11 October – Monday 20 December 2027
Note: Please check with your school as dates will vary.

We are committed to easing the pressure on busy parents and carers by providing before and after school care across our network of schools through partnerships with providers such as Sydney Catholic Early Childhood Services. Please visit your school’s website to find out more details on the hours, activities and availability of before and after school care at your school.

For members of our community, there are a variety of facilities for community voice at schools. Check with your local school for the opportunities available. These can include parent associations, advisory councils, parent engagement forums, information nights, social and fundraising events.

We are fortunate to be able to rely on the generosity of volunteers In our school community to lend a hand when needed. However, we strongly commit to having child safe communities and ensure all our volunteers who engage in face to face work with our students, undergo a Working with Children check, before they are involved in any school activities.

SCS Parents