Welcome to the Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) Scholarship Program, where we cultivate the next generation of educators.

Designed for school leavers and aspiring teachers, our scholarships embody our commitment to fostering excellence, curiosity and truth in education. By investing in the development of high-performing individuals, we empower them to become profession-ready graduate teachers.

The mission of schools is to develop a sense of truth, of what is good and beautiful. And this occurs through a rich path made up of many ingredients.

Pope Francis

Our Scholarship Programs

Future Teachers Scholarship

The Future Teachers Scholarship supports high-performing Year 12 students aspiring to careers in Primary or Secondary Education. Scholarships offer $5,000 per year throughout the degree, plus a one-off $2,000 upfront payment.

Excellence in Initial Teacher Education Scholarship

The Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Scholarship program supports high performing ITE students currently enrolled in a Master of Teaching or in their third or fourth year of an Undergraduate Teaching Program.