Our policies embody a deep commitment to a safe and supportive environment that allows the families, staff and students within our communities to thrive.

The policies below outline the regulations, processes and procedures that govern Sydney Catholic Schools.

Name Policy Number Version Hidden tags
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Policy SCS2024045 human resources, religious education and evangelisation
Accreditation Policy to Work, Teach and Lead in Sydney Catholic Schools SCS2024007
Anti Modern Slavery Policy SCS2024034
Attendance Policy SCS2023013 1.0 attendance
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy SCS2024021 1.0 BYOD, BYODD, technology, laptops, computers, innovation, digital, damage, warranty, designated, device, 
Child Protection Policy: Mandatory Reporting Obligations SCS2023025
Child Protection Policy: Responding to Allegations and Complaints Against SCS Staff SCS2023024 1.0 Child Protection, WWCC
Child Related Employment Policy HR201817 1.0 Child Protection, WWCC
Code of Professional Conduct SCS2024007 1.0
Disclaimer and Copyright copyright, disclaimer, NEALS, National Education Access Licence
Family and Domestic Violence Policy SCS2023023
Enrolment Policy  SCS2022002
Gender Dysphoria Policy SCS2023033
Gifted Education Policy SCS2022008  
Knives and other Prohibited Weapons Policy SCS2023034
Prevention and Management of Student Bullying Policy SCS2023001
Privacy notice for transition to ONCE Once
Privacy Policy SCS2024019
Resolution of Complaints Policy SCS2020004 1.1 school administration and management, complaints, resolution, handling, issue handling, issue management, parent
School Fee Management Policy SCS2022024
Student Management: Suspension, Transfer and Exclusion Policy SCS2023011
Student Wellbeing Policy SCS2021006 2.0
Student Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement 3.0
Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services Policy SCS2023018
Supporting Students with Complex Care Needs Policy (Medical Assistance) SCS2022011 1.0  first-aid, invasive, non-invasive, health care plan, specialist, nurse, catheter, suctioning, assisted toileting, tube feeding
Supporting Students with Complex Social and Emotional Needs Policy SCS2022005
Web Usage Policy Website, Copyright
Whistleblower Policy SCS2024014 1.0
Work Health & Safety Policy SCS2022026 1.0

General Policy Enquiries

Governance Team