Jacinta Drummond will experience the 2024 Sydney Catholic Schools Eisteddfod from both sides of the stage.

The singer and songwriter, in year 11 at St Ursula’s College Kingsgrove, is also an external Vocational Education and Training (VET) student at Southern Cross Catholic College Burwood.

When not defending consecutive first and second place wins at past Eisteddfods with her original material, Jacinta will help with backstage elements of the multi-day event.

These include audio and stage management as part of a 20-hour work placement for her VET Entertainment course.

“The skills I have gained in Entertainment this term have been invaluable to my growth in the performing arts field,” Jacinta said. 

“I hope to pursue it as a career in the near future.”

Defending talent

Student behind a sound mixing board at a performance event.Jacinta and her band placed first in the Stage 6 Advanced Rock Band category of the 2023 Eisteddfod.

Aiming for a back-to-back win, they will perform an original composition she has arranged on June 14.

The event is one of five Jacinta will compete in this year. Choir and solo vocal performances round out her performance schedule.

In 2022 at her first SCS Eisteddfod, she debuted an original song she had penned, Somebody Like That, in the vocal solo category of the awards.

“It has been an extremely rewarding experience to be a performing arts student at Sydney Catholic Schools,” – Jacinta Drummond

Jacinta said she appreciated music’s ability to create a connection between the performer, audience, and surrounding world.

“Music is a universal language,” she said.

“To write music which can transcend all boundaries and connect with so many different people is something I find truly amazing. 

“When I’m songwriting, I can express my thoughts and emotions in a way that can’t be expressed through spoken word.”

Arts HQ

Jacinta has made the most of the programs offered by Sydney Catholic Schools’ creative and performing arts program, Arts HQ.

These include a songwriting workshop, 10-minute musical, performing with the Pacific Opera Choir, and the Catholic Education Foundation’s songwriting competition premiere.

She said she appreciated the opportunities to expand her skill set and work with like-minded students and experienced teachers across a range of events.

“It has been an extremely rewarding experience to be a performing arts student at Sydney Catholic Schools,” she said.

“The opportunities I have been given have helped form the musician I am today, and the journey I am on to become a professional singer/songwriter or performer in the future.”