Age is no barrier for Domremy College student Monique Gatt who sat for the 2022 HSC in Mathematics Advanced and Mathematics Extension 1 – she is only in Year 11!

Monique has been studying accelerated Mathematics since she was in Year 8 and encourages other girls to pursue subjects that will set them on a path to high-demand careers such as a data miner, engineer, or even an astronaut.

“My brother was explaining to me that there aren’t many girls in his university computer programming course,” Monique said. “There should be more conversations about girls being involved in maths.”

“Maths gives you that analytical mindset – the ability to solve problems and challenges” – Monique Gatt

The importance of a growth mindset
Monique hopes to study medicine at university post school.

She said a strong STEM program – short for Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics – coupled with encouragement from her teachers and school principal had helped her to develop analytical thinking skills and a growth mindset.

Principal Antoinette McGahan said: “What we see in Monique, through her maths studies, is that crucial life skill which we embrace daily at Domremy – the application of a growth mindset in all that we do.

“Mathematics requires logical thinking and problem-solving, both utilised in many aspects of education and life generally.”

 “We encourage all of our students when they encounter difficulties, to recognise them as opportunities for new learnings. Rather than saying ‘I can’t do that’ to say ‘I can’t do that yet’ confident that their learning skills, with the assistance of their teachers, will soon see them mastering the new knowledge or skill” – Principal Antoinette McGahan

Monique thanked her teachers for all their support on her learning journey.

“They have helped me strive for the best and reach my full potential,” she said.

“They are welcoming, professional and always make me feel at ease.”