Sydney Catholic Schools has unveiled its plans for a cutting-edge new education precinct in the Shire’s beachside suburbs.
Executive Director of Sydney Catholic Schools, Tony Farley, said the new education precinct will transform three existing college campuses into Year 7-12 single-sex and co-educational contemporary learning environments.
“This is a defining moment in the combined histories of De La Salle Cronulla, De La Salle Caringbah and Our Lady of Mercy Burraneer, as we reimagine this part of the Shire and transform it into a world-class precinct,” Mr Farley said.

The three precinct schools will retain their current leaders – Peter Buxton (left), Leonie Pearce and Stephen Mahoney – to usher in the new era of collaboration.
Increased connectivity between campuses
“This will be the only Catholic education precinct within the Shire’s beating heart, on the boundary of the beautiful Gunnamatta Bay, with expanded student offerings at each school site and increased connectivity between the three campuses,” Mr Farley said.
“For example, new subject offerings linked to Gunnamatta Bay, such as Marine Science, Marine Biology and Aquaculture; sporting competitions, in rowing, sailing and rugby; creative and performing arts programs; and social outreach initiatives.”
A precinct of vast opportunity and choice
“This will be a precinct of vast opportunity and choice as De La Salle Cronulla, Our Lady of Mercy Burraneer and De La Salle Caringbah expand into Year 7 to 12 colleges from 2024, providing a smooth transition for students as they move through to the senior years of schooling,” Mr Farley said.
“Expanding De La Salle Cronulla creates a co-ed 7-12 Catholic schooling option in the eastern reaches of the Shire for the first time.”
“Parents will now be spoilt for choice, with a co-ed, single-sex boys and girls schooling options offered in the same precinct” – Tony Farley
“To honour the connection to our local Parish, De La Salle Cronulla will be renamed St Aloysius College, after Aloysius Gonzaga, the patron saint of youth and students,” Mr Farley said.
“The school’s transformation has the potential to include state-of-the-art facilities including a sports oval, a possible boatshed and a café that will be staffed by hospitality and retail students.”
Unparalleled opportunities for synergy and innovation
“The schools will be working with universities and local businesses to create real world learning opportunities for each student to achieve in their chosen area of study, in readiness for the jobs of tomorrow,” Tony Farley said.
“Students in all three schools will have access to all of this, giving every one of them equal opportunity to be at the forefront of the rapidly growing marine and maritime industries and to walk in the footsteps of the best aquatic veterinarians and ocean engineers.
“Combining our resources and specialist teaching expertise will offer unparalleled opportunities for synergy and innovation as we usher in a new era of collaboration, where students benefit from access to learning opportunities, facilities and natural amenities from all parts of the precinct.”
- Now Enrolling for Year 7 2024
- Now Enrolling for Years 7-11 2024
- Now Enrolling for Years 7-11 2024, some vacancies exist for Year 10 2023
Submit an enrolment enquiry here.
“The precinct will be a shining example of a thriving Catholic community giving students every opportunity to dive deep into their interests and to truly Engage, Thrive, and Excel” – Tony Farley