Type: Policy
Classification: Operational
Policy Number: SCS2024021
Version: 2.0

The content of this website (“Website”), including the information and materials contained in this Website, published by Sydney Catholic Schools (“SCS”) was understood to be correct and accurate at the time of publication.

While SCS strives to include accurate and up-to-date information on the Website, SCS makes no warranties (express or implied) or representations and accepts no liability whatsoever as to the Website’s accuracy, currency, suitability, completeness, or for any errors or omissions on the Website. SCS also accepts no liability whatsoever for any reliance, use or purpose which people accessing the Website may place on or derive from the Website.

The Website’s content may contain links to external websites. SCS is not responsible and accepts no liability for the policies, practices of or the content on those external websites. Users must exercise their own care and skill in checking any external website’s policies, practices and content, and for protecting their personal and private information.

Any link to an external website on this Website does not constitute an endorsement of that external website, or any information, goods or services presented on that website.

The information and content contained in this Website is protected by copyright and is owned by SCS or has been licensed to SCS. Permission for any use of the information or content on this Website must be obtained from SCS or the original copyright owner.

Any unauthorised use of copyrighted material found on this Website should be notified to the SCS Sydney webmaster at: Communications@syd.catholic.edu.au.

Educational Licences allow SCS Schools to freely use, copy and communicate the information on this Website for educational purposes.
See Smartcopying: Educational Licences for further information.