Type: Policy
Classification: Operational
Policy Number: SCS2022002
Released: 14 February 2022
Review Date: 14 February 2024
Rescinds/Replaces: EDO202001
Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) is committed to providing high quality education to all students enrolled in our schools. Catholic schools play an important role in the life of the Church, helping families to nurture and develop their Catholic faith, within the context of their parish communities. As inclusive and evangelising communities, our schools welcome families from other faith traditions where this is possible.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure the equitable allocation of student places in our schools according to the vision, mission, vision and values of SCS.
It aims to ensure the SCS student population broadly reflects the diversity of Australian life and culture, with the enrolment of students from non-English speaking backgrounds, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, and students with disability and/or are diverse learners.
This policy applies to all SCS staff and parents/carers of students seeking enrolment at an SCS school. In this policy, SCS staff means all employees, members of religious orders engaged in schools, volunteers, trainees, interns and labour hire employees.
Failure to comply with this policy may lead to disciplinary action including termination of employment of SCS staff.
3.1 Each SCS school will implement the policy in partnership with their Parish Priest, with shared responsibility for the pastoral care and development of each student, contributing to the evangelising mission of the Church.
3.2 On enrolment, all parents, carers and students must commit to support the Catholic ethos and values of our schools, including participation in Religious Education, Liturgy and faith based activities.
3.3 SCS supports Catholic parents and carers in honouring their commitment to practise their faith, including through financial assistance where there is a genuine inability to pay fees.
3.4 SCS strives to maximise the opportunity for Catholic families within the Archdiocese to access a Catholic school education.
4.1 Parents and carers are welcome and encouraged to apply for the enrolment of their child at a SCS school at any time.
4.2 Once a year, SCS schools will review and assess applications and confirm the enrolment of prospective students with parents and carers.
4.3 All enrolment applications are to be in the prescribed SCS form. School specific information may be issued by the school separately, tailored to their own needs, such as material promoting SCS programs such as Newman, Amadeus, Sport etc.
4.4 SCS secondary colleges will confirm applications for the enrolment of prospective students two years before the intended enrolment i.e. Year 5 for enrolment into Year 7. SCS primary schools will confirm applications for the enrolment of prospective students in the year preceding the intended enrolment.
4.5 Applications for school enrolment will be considered annually by the Principal, a member of the Senior School Leadership team (if appropriate) and the Parish Priest applying the criteria outlined below. Consideration of individual applications for enrolments outside of the annual review will be determined by the Principal.
4.6 SCS schools will apply the enrolment criteria outlined in section 5 below when determining priority for enrolments until all places are filled.
4.7 Where there are more applications than the number of places in a school, applications for students who have not secured a place, will be referred to neighbouring SCS schools with availability and/or may be placed on a school waiting list.
4.8 When applying the enrolment criteria in section 5, should an application be for students with disability / diverse learners, the Principal is to also consult with the SCS Diverse Learning Team, to assess the nature and levels of adjustment necessary to support the student’s educational needs and wellbeing, including personalised plans for transitioning students, prior to making any offer of enrolment.
4.9 In special circumstances, and after consultation with the Parish Priest, the Principal may seek approval from the Director, School Support to modify the enrolment criteria to cater for the unique circumstances of the local Catholic community.
Enrolment applications at an SCS school will be prioritised in the following order:
5.1 Baptised Catholic children of regularly worshipping Catholic families with strong demonstrable links to the local designated Catholic parish or parishes (such as regular participation in the liturgical life of the parish or sacramental programs; contribution to parish ministries; participation in parish community building and outreach programs; or other significant involvement). Catholic families are defined as families in which the children are baptised and in which at least one parent is a Catholic and both parents are supportive of a Catholic education for their child. Catholic families include families of Eastern Catholic Churches.
5.2 Siblings of children already attending the school whose families have demonstrated ongoing support for the ethos and values of the Catholic Church.
5.3 For secondary schools only, children of families currently enrolled in the identified feeder primary schools (K-12 Pathways document) and/or in the applicable SCS network of schools, who have demonstrated ongoing support for the ethos and values of the Catholic Church. Where there are more applicants than available places, in assessing the order of priority for students within this category, the Principal will first enrol students whose main home residence is in closest proximity to the school and move outwards.
5.4 Children of families who have special pastoral circumstances which may include children with links to the parish or school community through parents, grandparents or extended family, children of alumni or former staff, students who are diverse learners, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, non English speaking children, children from low socio-economic backgrounds, children with pastoral care needs, and any other special circumstances as determined by the Principal.
5.5 Children of Catholic families who do not meet the criteria above, or who are outside the local designated Catholic parish or who attend non-feeder SCS schools. Where there are more applicants than available places, in assessing the order of priority for students within this category, the principal will first enrol students whose main home residence is in closest proximity to the school and move outwards.
5.6 Children of regularly worshipping Orthodox families who have strong demonstrable links to their faith community and who are prepared to support the ethos and values of the Catholic Church.
5.7 Children of regularly worshipping families from other Christian denominations who have strong demonstrable links to their faith community and who are prepared to support the ethos and values of the Catholic Church.
5.8 Children of Orthodox families who are prepared to support the ethos and values of the Catholic Church.
5.9 Children of families from other Christian denominations who are prepared to support the ethos and values of the Catholic Church.
5.10 Children of families from other faith traditions or non-religious backgrounds who are prepared to support the ethos and values of the Catholic Church.
On enrolment, all parents and carers are required to:
6.1 Give an undertaking that they will support the Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools.
6.2 Give an undertaking that they will honour the financial commitments required by the school. Failure to do so may jeopardise the offer, or ongoing enrolment, of the student or subsequent students in accordance with the School Fee Collection Policy. Financial assistance may be available where there is a genuine inability to pay fees.
6.3 Disclose all relevant information related to their child’s application for enrolment, including any disability or diverse learning factors the school will need to consider. Failure to disclose such information at the point of enrolment, or during enrolment, may result in the withdrawal of the enrolment.
If you have any questions about this document or would like further information, please contact School Operations on sou@syd.catholic.edu.au or (02) 9568 8130.
• Policy Number: SCS2022002
• Document Rescinds / Replaces: EDO202001
• Date Released: 14 February 2022
• Review Date: 14 February 2024
• Policy Type: Operational
• Audience: Public
• Approved by: SCS Board
• Document Owner: Director, School Support