Type: Policy
Classification: Operational
Policy Number: SCS2024021
Released: 1 May 2024
Review Date: 1 May 2026
Rescinds/Replaces: TL201806-1.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), means that students bring to school personally owned devices for the purpose of learning.

The access to devices that a BYOD program provides, will assist students in developing digitalliteracy, fluency and citizenship while preparing them for the high-tech world in which they will live, learn and work. It will have the potential to empower students by giving them a voice in the
decision making process of how they use technology in their own learning.

It will also allow teachers to continue to employ technology in the classroom while building on the experiences gained in the previously government-supported Digital Education Revolution (DER) model (2008).

This policy applies to all SCS staff, students and parents/carers. In this policy staff means all employees of SCS, members of religious orders engaged in schools, volunteers, trainees, interns and labour hire employees.

The following principles guide how this policy will operate in practice:

3.1 Equity and access to technology should be provided for all SCS students.

3.2 SCS schools will endeavor to provide a safe and secure online environment for all learning activities.

3.3 The integration of ICT is to support and enhance contemporary, authentic learning in SCS schools.

3.4 No students should be disadvantaged by a local community’s decision to move to a BYOD model.

  • Schools will, through consultation with their communities, allow students to bring personally owned digital devices to school for the purposes of learning.
  • Students can use a BYO Device only with the knowledge and written approval of their parent or caregiver. The return of the Student Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement constitutes such knowledge and approval.
  • Prior to implementing a BYOD program, schools must have developed strategies to cater for families unable to provide devices for students. No student is to be educationally disadvantaged because they do not have a BYO Device. Schools will need to provide access to devices for students unable to provide their own.
  • It is recommended that schools instigate a process for supplying students with access to alternative devices while BYO Devices are being repaired or replaced.
  • The BYOD model and the device chosen by the school should be based on an informed decision that takes into account specific feedback from all stakeholders and based on the needs of the students and resources of the community. The minimum requirement can be found in the BYOD Requirements document.
  • Schools may, through consultation with their community, stipulate the specific device to be used in a BYOD program. This decision should be based on research and the educational needs of the students.
  • Students may apply for a medical or therapeutic exemption for a BYO Device that does not meet ICT-BYO Device Requirements. Any such request must receive a written exemption prior to the device being brought to school.
  • Schools who have communities that may experience significant financial difficulty in providing BYO Devices, can approach the Director, Finance and Property for negotiated assistance on a case-by-case basis.
  • BYOD must only be connected to the designated school wifi network. This is to occur using the student’s own CEnet user account credentials. Devices must not be connected to other wired, wireless or cellular networks whilst at school.
  • BYOD may be used for assessment purposes, this would include the installation of software specific to these purposes i.e. locked browser for NAPLAN testing.
  • BYOD must have any required software applications and updates installed as well as current anti-virus software. The latest service packs and updates must be continually maintained (as appropriate).
  • The use of the BYOD to undermine, or attempt to hack into or bypass school or system based security and filtering measures, is a serious breach of the Student Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement.
  • The use of all internet and online communications and data on BYOD is monitored and audited while devices are at school during school hours. This data can be identified against specific CEnet user accounts and BYOD.
  • If a member of staff believes that a BYOD is being used in a manner that may impact the safety or wellbeing of the students or other persons, the school should address the matter with reference to the appropriate policies.
  • Where a school has grounds to suspect that a device contains data which breaches the Student Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement, the device may be confiscated for the purposes of confirming the material. While at school, all data on the device is subject to review by appropriate school staff.
  • If a member of staff believes that a BYOD is being used inappropriately, including for any criminal activity or use that may affect the wellbeing of the students or another person, the staff member must confiscate the device and provide it to the school Principal or another appropriate person. In those circumstances, the schools should consult with Student Wellbeing and/or Child Safety as appropriate.
  • Depending on the nature of any material that may be found on confiscated BYOD, school disciplinary action may be initiated or further action taken including referral to police.
  • The Principal or SCS Personnel will refer a matter to the police where it considers there are reasonable grounds to do so.
  • An exit checklist for staff and students should be developed in order to transfer ownership of files to the appropriate school accounts prior to an individual leaving the school.
  • All BYOD purchased for students must meet the SCS requirements as set down in the ICTBYOD Requirements document.
  • Not all devices are supported within the SCS BYOD model. Equipment which does not meet the ICT-BYOD Requirements may not gain access to the school wifi network.
  • Schools may direct a student to cease bringing a device to school which does not meet ICTBYOD Requirements.
  • Students and their parents or caregivers are solely responsible for the care and maintenance of BYOD including ensuring up to date anti-virus software.
  • The school will not provide hardware or technical support for BYOD.
  • School ICT ITS support personnel (SIO) will provide instructions for BYOD to connect to the wireless network, to the internet and to Chrome (preferred browser) only.
  • SCS will provide a wireless network with filtered internet connection to which BYOD may be connected.
  • SIO School ICT support personnel may provide limited ‘other’ technical support if it enables BYOD to access the wireless network, the internet and/or Chrome.
  • Students bring their devices to school at their own risk. SCS will not be responsible for any loss, theft or damage to:
    • the device
    • any peripherals
    • data stored on the device or peripherals; and/or,
    • data stored on cloud services.
  • Students should not bring peripheral equipment, including power chargers and cables to school. Liability for damage or loss of peripheral equipment will, in all circumstances, be borne by the student.
  • Students are responsible for any actions performed on their personal device. They will be held responsible for allowing any other person to use their credentials to access the internet or other online services.
  • Students and parents or caregivers should determine if the device requires insurance and or specific accidental loss or breakage insurance.
  • In the circumstances where a BYO Device is damaged by abuse or malicious intent by another student, the school’s student management procedure will apply.
  • Schools may organise BYOD Purchasing Portals for their BYOD program. However, if schools do offer a portal, they must offer more than one portal from different suppliers.
  • Schools cannot refer parents/guardians to a single re-seller and/or vendor i.e schools must refer them to two or more re-sellers.
  • Schools must make clear to parents/guardians that they are able to purchase the device from anywhere they wish i.e. Parents/Guardians do not have to purchase the device from any of the re-sellers that the school provides.
  • Schools cannot refer parents to offers that include financing of equipment through credit providers.
  • The responsibility for all repairs or warranty claims lies with the student, parent or caregiver.
  • Purchasing a warranty for BYOD is the responsibility of the parent or caregiver.
  • On-site warranty repairs for BYOD may occur at school at each school’s discretion. The school may develop a process for on- site warranty repairs for BYOD including tracking of the device.
  • The school should have a small number of school owned loan devices e.g. devices that can be loaned to students while their BYOD are being repaired. At least 5% of the total student numbers is recommended.

If you have any questions about this policy or would like further information, please contact the ITS team on (02) 9568 8279 or its.servicedesk@syd.catholic.edu.au.

• Policy Number: SCS2024021
• Document Rescinds / Replaces: TL201806-1.0
• Date Released: 1 May 2024
• Review Date: 1 May 2026
• Policy Type: Operational
• Audience: SCS Internal
• Approved by: Director, Governance & Legal
• Document Owner: Director: ITS