After his two sell-out sessions last term, Andrew Fuller is back for two more sessions in Term 4.

Sydney Catholic Schools presents an online parenting series with esteemed clinical psychologist and family therapist, Andrew Fuller.

Andrew has worked with more than 3,500 schools in Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the UK, including establishing programs for the promotion of mental health in schools.

Join Andrew for one or both of his zoom presentations this month – and walk away equipped with the practical tools to better support your children in this increasingly complex world.

Each session will run for 60 minutes including Q&A time, with limited places for each session.

Please note, this is a live online event and will not be recorded.  As places are limited, please closely consider your availability for the event when registering to ensure all seats are utilised.

Next Session: Wednesday 27 October 2021, 7pm

 The A to Z of Feelings

Topics of discussion will include:

  • How to differentiate genuine people from those who are fake
  • Separate honest people from liars
  • Know who to trust and who not to
  • Learn from your experiences by looking inwards as well as outwards
  • What upsets you and what to do with it
  • How to shelve, settle and calm worries
  • How to replicate times of happiness, inspiration and creativity
  • How to react more positively to moments of anger or conflict
Andrew Fuller head shot

Andrew Fuller

Described as an “interesting mixture of Billy Connolly, Tim Winton and Frasier Crane” and as someone who “puts the heart back into psychology”,  Andrew Fuller is a clinical psychologist, family therapist, author, speaker and creator of Learning Strengths ™.