Mr Jamie Wahab, Principal

Personal message: I passionately believe that we must create lifelong learners; critical, collaborative and creative thinkers who, through their faith and action, love like Christ and want to make the world a better place.

Statement of areas of responsibility: The Principal is responsible for modelling the Catholic faith in action and for leading the school community to live out its vision and mission focussed on quality faith, educational and wellbeing experiences for all students. The Principal is responsible for the effective leadership, management and strategic direction of the school.

Professional experience: Jamie has been the Principal at St Christopher’s, Panania since 2016. Prior to this, Jamie was Principal at St Ambrose, Concord West. Jamie has also held the leadership roles of Assistant Principal, Leader of Learning and Coordinator and has taught in Catholic schools in the Sydney Archdiocese and Parramatta Diocese and also at schools in London and Essex (England).

Jamie has presented at educational conferences and workshops in Australia and internationally on contemporary educational practice, leadership and faith formation.

Prior to a career in education, Jamie worked in a number of leadership roles in the corporate and public sector, for organisations including Deutsche Bank, Horizon Housing Group and the Ministry of Defence.

Qualifications: Master of Educational Leadership (Macquarie University)
Master of Religious Education (Australian Catholic University)
1st Class Honours Degree in Education (Goldsmith’s College, University of London)

Professional interests: Developing effective schoolwide pedagogical practice. Cultivating Catholic educational leaders. Providing contemporary professional learning in education and faith formation. Instilling a passion for lifelong learning.