Parent Charter for Sydney Catholic Schools
Pope Francis, Excerpt from Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love)’
The intention of this Charter is to outline the principles and expectations that underpin the relationship between parents and schools as we work together to build school communities based on our enduring values of faith, hope and love.
Sydney Catholic schools strive to nurture a partnership between parents and schools where:
• all relationships are based on mutual respect, trust and a spirit of collaboration under the ethos and values of the Catholic Church
• parents are valued and recognised for the primary role they play in their child’s faith formation, learning and wellbeing
• teachers and staff are respected for their expertise in educating students, managing student behaviour and making recommendations to support student learning and wellbeing
• parents, schools and parishes work collaboratively to achieve the best possible outcomes for each student.
Working Together
In choosing a Sydney Catholic school, parents take on a shared responsibility with the school for their child’s learning, but parents always remain the primary
educators of their child.
Sydney Catholic schools commit to:
• offering a loving, faith-filled environment where each student comes to know the person of Jesus Christ
• providing a place where each student can learn and feel safe
• treating every member of the school community with courtesy and respect
• delivering the curriculum and programs for students in line with Australian requirements
• enabling parents to ask questions and speak to teachers and other staff at a mutually convenient time
• allowing any concern or complaint to be heard so that ongoing relationships will continue respectfully
• responding to calls, emails or requests for information or meetings in a reasonable timeframe. Please be conscious that teachers are in class or on duty all day
• communicating with parents through newsletters, mobile alerts, emails and formal meetings, such as parent-teacher interviews and information nights.
Parents will:
• adhere to and maintain all commitments made at the time of enrolment throughout their child’s schooling
• always treat every member of the community with courtesy and respect
• use positive language about the school, staff, subjects, learning and rules, with their child
• ensure their child completes all assigned homework, study and assessments
• ensure their child attends school each day
• respect the personal and online privacy of every member of the school community
• support the school’s behavioural expectations
• not engage in intimidation, violence, bullying, or harassment of any staff, student or other parents
• disclose all information required by the school
• ensure the prompt payment of school fees
• reasonably consider the perspectives of the school, other students and other parents
• honour requests to meet with the school in person to create plans and resolve any issues, misunderstandings or concerns
• support their child’s participation in the liturgical and faith life of the school including the Religious Education curriculum.
Teachers are the first point of contact
To discuss your child’s learning, experiences at school, or to raise a concern, parents are asked first to contact the appropriate class or pastoral teacher.
If the appropriate teacher cannot resolve the issue or concern, please follow the SCS Resolution of Complaints Policy and the local school process for
managing concerns next to the relevant year/subject coordinator (where applicable) before escalating the matter to the school leadership team if it has still not
been resolved.
Parents should not approach other students or parents to clarify any issues or concerns
All matters should be discussed with the appropriate teacher who can then discuss the matter with the relevant staff and students.
Unacceptable behaviour
To ensure the safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and the community, steps must be taken to address unacceptable behaviour from parents and carers, where these occur.
Examples of unacceptable behaviour from parents (in person, by phone, video, or online) include:
• aggressive, rude or threatening language or gestures; swearing; shouting; close physical proximity or violence toward staff, students, or other parents
• inappropriate, derogatory, threatening or discriminatory posts on social media, text groups or online forums about staff, students or other parents
• recording, photographing or videoing staff, students or other parents without consent, or posting or circulating any images or recordings to others
• unreasonable volumes of calls, texts or emails
• vexatious or frivolous complaints
• bullying, harassment, or sexual harassment of staff.
Consequences for unacceptable behaviour
In the rare circumstances where there are repeated or serious unacceptable behaviours, steps may be taken including:
• a written warning
• a direction not to approach particular staff, parents, or students while on-site
• limiting email/phone contact with the school or meetings to video only
• exclusion from the school site and/or all school events
• reports being made to NSW Police or other agencies
• termination of your child/ren’s enrolment contract with Sydney Catholic Schools.
The term ‘parents’ includes any parent or carer for a student and is inclusive of legal parents, adoptive or foster parents, guardians and caregivers of students. The expectations of this Charter also apply to any other person delegated to liaise with the school by the legal parents (i.e. emergency contacts/other relatives).